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Hermes started showing up on sites like Big Muscle Bear in 2005 (now gone), and the penis resemblance was unmistakable. In fact, some of the highest paying shoots go to the. These gay porn adult video shoots tend to pay more than straight shoots for males. We will consider straight, bi, bi-curious, and gay males for these shoots. He is one sexy bear Here is your chance to watch the hung stud in action together with Pedro Paliza and three of his mates. Scotty Rage and Avi Strider fuck Marc Angelo and Jeremy Feist - Daddy Is Home Daddy And His Boy Benjamin James solo Hot Loud and Sweaty fucking Lanz Adams and Dalton Hawg fuck Noah Post and Christian Matthews fuck Manu Maltes solo Hans Berlin and Randy Harden fuck Vinnie Stefano mature solo Dean Burke and Josh Thomas fuck Hart Caldwell and John Stache fuck Emmett Frost and Dante Kirkdale Stephen Harte and Tony DaRimma anal fucking Dalton Hawg and Alejandro Skyman fucking Rodrigo Toro mature solo Bo Banger solo Buster Bouderaux and Tony Tripoli fuck Trace OMalley solo Rick Kelson solo Rusty McMann, Aiden Storm and Alex Hawk fuck Danny Crockett mature solo Steve Parker solo Brian Bear and Lobo Brian Davilla and Jake Morgan Hardcore fucking Jack Sullivan solo Shay Micheals and Aron Ridge fuck Jack Dyer mature solo Oh Yeah. The Men of Colt blog has more of the COLT Star, now known as Hermes. Adult Casting Center has recently started casting for gay porn video shoots as well as gay-for-pay.

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